Please join Chesterton Academy for an evening of faith, fellowship, and prayer on Thursday, August 26th at Benedictine Brewery in Mt. Angel! There will be beer for purchase and hors d’oeuvres and other refreshment options provided.
This is an event for men and women, an opportunity to engage in a community where we can celebrate our faith and put it into action. We are honored to have Father Todd Molinari, Vicar of Clergy for the Archdiocese of Portland, giving a reflection entitled Remaining Faithful to Christ and His Church in Times of Trial and Tribulation. There will be an update about the school and what lies ahead, and an invitation to support the Academy and its mission.
This will be a perfect way to top off the summer and hop back into the school year. We hope you can come out and join us!
Please register for this free event via our Eventbrite page, HERE. Thank you!